Jul 03 International Webinar on “Frontiers in Science & Technology” – 27.06.2020 Anjuman Arts, Science, Commerce College & PG Studies in English, Vijayapur has organized an International Webinar under the banner of Science Forum through the IQAC initiative on “Frontiers In Science & Technology” on 27th June, 2020. Due to pandemic spread of Covid-19 disease all over the globe. It is need of the hour to organize such events. Dr. A. N. Chattarki, Principal, accord the inaugural address. Prof. Smt. S. M. Hanchinal Wel- Comed all the delegates and participants and introduced the Key note address, Dr. Smt. Uma Mudengudi, Dean, R & D KLE Technological University, Hubli. Dr. Uma Mudengudi, enlightened the participant in her key note address. Dr. Saleem M. Desai, Programme Co-ordinator, welcomed and introduced the first session resource person Dr. Harish Handral, Fellow Scientist, National University of Singapore(NUS). In his presentation, he deeply explained about the new discoveries in Biotechnology in India and beyond. The second session begin with the welcome and introduction of Dr. Chirag I. Patel, Associate Professor of CSE, Parul Institute of Technology, Parul University,Vadodara, Gujarat by Prof. Shaikhshawali. He elaborated on artificial neural network and its need. Around 450-500 participants from all over the globe have participated with their full consent and satisfactory comment. With the joint efforts of our staff members Dr. M. A. Gadyal, Co-ordinator, IQAC, Prof. Smt. S. M. Hanchinal, Organizing Secretary, Dr. Saleem M. Desai, Programme Co-ordinator, Prof. P. Shaikhshawali, Joint secretary, Prof. K. Nishani, Treasurer, Science Forum and Shri. S. M. Hattarkihal, Technical Assistant of this esteemed Institute. Lastly the webinar concluded with the vote of thanks proposed by Dr. Saleem M. Desai.Link: https://youtu.be/1BNJEoXBVVw