Anjuman-E-Islam’s Anjuman Arts, Science, Commerce College & PG Studies, Vijayapur in collaboration with Kala Skill & Research Training Institute, an IQAC initiative was organized One Day International Conference on Humanities, Comnmerce, Science & Technlogy (IRHCST-2024) on 3″ August, 2024 in Allama Iqbal Hall at I1.00 am. The One Day International Conference begins with the recitation of verses of Holy Quran by Dr. Sayed Kaleemulla Basheban, Assistant Professor of Arabic, Naat-e-Sharief by Prof. A. M. Sidagi, Assistant Professor of Hindi and Naad Geet by Miss. Afroz, Miss. Dhanushree and group of students. The conference was inaugurated by watering a sapling by the chief guestShri. T. Bhoobalan, District Magistrate & Deputy Commissioner of Vijayapur, chief patron
of conference Janab Rev. Sayed Mahmood Peeran Hashmi, President of Anjuman-E-Islam, Janab Sayed Zainulabeddin Peerzaade. Vice President, Anjuman-E-Islam, Janab Imtiyaz Mushrif, Chairman PU college, Janab Abdul Hameed Athani, General Secretary of Anjuman E-lslam, Dr. M. G. Ghodesawar, Convener & Principal, Dr. M. A. Lahori, President KaLa, Dr. Saleem M. Desai, Organizing Secretary of the conference, Dr. Sirajuddin Horginmani,
Director, KaLa and joined by key note addressee Prof. G. R. Angadi, Professor & Dean School of Education, Central University of Karnataka, Kalburgi, Dr. Ravindranath Aladakatti, Principal Research Scientist, Indian Institute of Sciences, Bengaluru, Dr. Manjur Ahmed Kolhar, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Health Informatics, College of Applied Medical Sciences, King Faisal University, Al-Hofuf, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed, Associate Professor, Dept. of Zoology, Head Transmission Electron Microscope unit, King Saud University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Araia.
Dr. Saleem M. Desai, Organizing Secretary of the conference welcomed and introduced the guests and key note addressee on the dice. All dignitaries were felicitated by Conveners and Organizing Secretaries of the conference. Shri. T. Bhoobalan, DC & District Magistrate who was the chief guest spoke on the need of such conferences definitely helpful for the researcher to add their knowledge and he mentioned that the three key note addressee are the alumni of this institution, its great thing that this institute is making such personalities into the society. The first key note addressee Prof. G. R. Angadi spoke on how artificial intelligence is used in the research of humanities after that Dr. Ravindranath Aladkatti gave a talk on insights into potential activities of Nimbolides, Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed gave his speech on Harnessing Artificial Intelligence to combat global warming: Challenges, Solution & F’uture Directions. Later the nest key note addressee Dr. Manjur Ahmed Kolhar mentioned in his address that how artificial intelligence used in science & technology research.
Dr. M. A. Lahori, Convener briefed about the conference then Dr. M. G Ghodesawar in his presidential address mentioned how Ayurveda is also playing important role in curing dreaded diseases and mentioned about the applications of Al in every field. After that at the end of inaugural programme, Dr. S. J. Jahagirdar, IQAC Co-ordinator proposed vote of thanks. All the delegates from various parts of the states and country had enjoyed their lunch in the garden of college premise. After the lunch, simultaneously all sessions were going on parallelly in lqbal hall, Smart Room and in Commerce lab of the college. After the plenary sessions there was tea break and followed by valedictory programme. The chief guest of the valedictory programme was Dr. Shabbir Ahmed Kazi, Assistant Professor of University of Technology & Applied Sciences, Shinas, Sultanate of Oman, in his address he spoke about the overall conference and stressed that from this conference all delegates are going with the additional knowledge and after going to their respective places they will implement the new ideas to their research. Some of the delegates
gave their feedback about the conference. Dr. Sirajuddin Horganimani, proposed the vote of thanks of the valedictory programme and certificates were distributed to participants and delegates. The One Day International Conference was concluded with the National Anthem.

Job Recrement Drive

Career Guidance and placement cell in collaboration with ICICI Bank has Conducted Job RecruitmentMay be an image of 6 people, people sitting and text that says "ញuf με INV GPS Map Camera የ Vijayapura, Karnataka, India RP9C+WW6, Kanakadas colony, Vijayapura, Karnataka 586101, India Lat 16.819753° Long 75.722425° 21/11/22 12:01 PM GMT +05:30 Google"May be an image of 11 people, people standing and text that says "TULLATY GPS Map Camera የ Vijayapura, Karnataka, India RP9C+RX5, Kanakadas colony, Vijayapura, Karnataka 586101, India Lat 16.819664° Long 75.722422° 21/11/22 11:51 AM GMT +05:30 Google"May be an image of 3 people, people standing and text that says "Anjumas ANJUM ICICIBank ICICI BANK RELATIONSHIP RECRUITMENT GPS Map Camera የ Vijayapura, Karnataka, India RP9C+WW6, Kanakadas colony, Vijayapura, Karnataka 586101, India Lat 16.819736° Long 75.722318° 21/11/22 11:44 AM GMT +05:30 Google" drive in the college campus on 21-11-2022. totally 75 Students are attended out off which 7 Students are selected.