Second Prize in Drama at District Youth Festival

Our NSS Volunteers secured 2nd prize in Drama competition entitled “Problems of Farmers” under the mentorship of NSS Programme Officer Dr Ruqqia R H today at Akkamahadevi Women’s University Vijayapur at the District Youth Festival organised by Nehru Yuva Kendra in collaboration with Akkamahadevi Women’s University Vijayapur today the 29th December 2020. Volunteers-Jabbar ahamad Badeghar, Hasanpatel Doddamani, Md.Ziya Aralimatti, Sageer Ahmed Bagwan, Afrid Tashewale, Aftab Turki were the participants.

Happy Announcement

Ms. Rizwana Jamadar (B.Com III Semester) was declared winner in the District Youth Parliament Virtual Speech Competition organised by Nehru Yuva Kendra Gulbarga cluster region on 28th December 2020. Her topic was ‘Zero budget natural farming is boon for farmers’.

Report on International Human Rights Day 10th December 2020

The Anjuman Art’s, Science, Commerce College & PG Studies in English celebrated ‘World Human Rights Day’ on 10th December 2020 under IQAC initiative.  The event was inaugurated by Dr.A.N.Chattarki, Principal of the college. He opined that celebration and spreading awareness of Human Rights is commendable. It encompasses all rights of an individual.  Mrs. Roosevelt the 1st lady of the world contributed to the cause of human rights and Mrs.Hansaben Mehta also worked in the field of Human Rights and Gender Equality.  He said that we can make a beginning by living upto the vision of equal rights and equal dignity of women. He also pointed out at the unfortunate series of incidents against women in the recent past throughout the world. The ideal way to commemorate Human Rights Day is to live up to the spirit of the sacred text of (UDHR) Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948.  He also highlighted on children’s and laborer’s human rights. He praised the activities of NHRC in protecting the rights of the individuals.

Prof. M Maheen Guest Speaker expressed his views on ‘World Human Rights Day’.  He said the whole world celebrates IHRD on 10th December every year except South Africa which celebrates on 21st March for their own political reasons.  He opined that the UDHR is considered the foundation of the text of human and civil rights.  He opined that the political parties and some organizations due to their vested interests are dividing the nation and violating human rights on religious basis. They are spoiling the spirit of brotherhood.   Judiciary is not playing its own judiciously, people are not getting justice and losing faith in judiciary. No one should be arbitrarily deprived of the nationality, property, freedom of thought, conscience, religion etc. He also laid stress on corruption as one of the violations of the human rights. People are unaware of their human rights, awareness of the human rights among all is the need of the hour.  He laid importance of human rights education, it is the moral education, it moldsone’s character and also responsibility to develop the personality of the youth.  Human rights education should start from the school and college as education us the fundamental right and is essential to exercise other human rights.  It empowers a person to lead a life of dignity. The concept of one nation, one language will be destroyed. The enemies of human rights should be recognized and eliminated.  One should continuously make efforts to uplift the dignity of human rights by spreading awareness among the public in general.

Dr. Ruqqia R Hashmi Programme Coordinator, welcomed and introduced the guest speaker as well as proposed the vote of thanks. Dr. Syed Kalimulla Basheban initiated the event by verses of the Holy Quran. Shri. Suleman Hattarkihal gave technical assistance throughout the event.  Dr. M A Gadyal -IQAC coordinator graced the occasion with his presence. More than 400 participants viewed and benefitted by understanding the need of human rights awareness in their daily life and the importance of celebrating this International Human Rights Day.


The Department of Political Science and N.C.C Unit of our college celebrated “INERTNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS DAY-2020” on 10th December, 2020.  Dr. A. N. Chattarki, Principal of our college was the chief guest of the function.

            Dr.A.N. Chattarki  highlighted the importance of the challenges facing the Human Rights such as communism, anti-secularism actions at present situation and its solutions.  Dr. Saleem Desai stressed about the Human Rights & Director IQAC Dr. M. A. Gadyal presided over the function. Prof. MahammadGous Pitali, Head, Dept. of Political Science welcomed and introduced the chief guest. Prof. S.I.S Hameed N.C.C Co-ordinetor proposed a vote of thanks. Staff and students of the college attended the function.


On occasion of celebration of ConstitutionDay (Samvidhan Divas) on 26th November 2020 our institute organized an event. This year the Hon’ble President of India led the Nation to Read the Preamble of Constitution in India at 11:00am on 26th November 2020. Staff and students ware assembled to participate in the Preamble session, after this session Dr.A.N.Chattarki, Principal addressed the gathering, the introduction and welcome speech given by Prof.Mahammadgous Pitali. Once again the Preamble session was organized and it was lead by Alsaba Jagiradhar and its video Link and photographs uploaded to #SamvidhanDiwas,@PIB_India,@DDNewslive, @airnewsalerts and @MIB_India, The following are the video links of the event.



Statistics Department of our College celebrated a “World Statistics Day “on 20th of Oct 2020. The programme began with the welcome of the worthy guest, faculty members and students of the College. The Chief Guest Dr. V. S. Kulkarni, a Statistician was the esteemed guest of honour. He emphasized on two aspects, firstly on the theme “Connecting the world with data we can trust”. This theme reflects on the importance of trust, authoritative data, innovation and the public good in national statistical systems. Secondly, on the “Employment opportunities in Statistics” which followed by the skill development. Principal of the College Dr. A. N. Chattarki bestow the presidential remark. He expounded statisticians recognize that transfer of knowledge and strengthening national statistical capacity remains a priority for everyone. Statistics that can help us a respond a new challenges bring about the policy changes.
To initiate the occasion Miss Affreen Shaikh recited some verses of holy Quran , Miss Tanjila Padeknur sang the Naat-e-Sharief , Prof. Miss R. Y. Madhabhavi welcomed and introduced the Guest, Miss Sumiaya Shaikh proposed vote of thanks.Miss Ayesha Sulatanpur was the programe convener. Prof. Smt. S. M. Hanchinal guided the students , and college staff including IQAC coordinator grace the occasion .The programme ended with National anthem.

Quiz Competition

Quiz Competition on HIV AIDS and BLOOD DONATION was conducted by District Red Ribbon Club, Vijayapur on 17th October 2020. Our NSS Volunteers Kumar Mohammad Ziya. Aralimatti NSS II yr and Kumar Asif Tamboli NSS II yr participated in the quiz under Dr.Ruqqia.R.H NSS Programme Officer.Dr.A N Chattarki-Principal congratulated the team for participating in the event.