Academic 2022-23
1.Title: “Financial Assistance to Needy Students (Bait-ul-Maal)”
2.Objectives:To provide financial assistance to needy students.
3.Context: Financial contribution is provided by various stakeholders to a corpus fund which is utilized for needy students for their admissions.
4.Practice: Bait-ul-Maal plays a pivotal role in providing financial assistance to students to get their admissions.
5.Evidence of Success: During assessment period 37 students got their admissions with the use of financial aid through Bait-ul-Maal. The amount disbursed for the poor students was Rs.1,66,382/-.
6.Problems Encountered: Every year Bait-ul-Maal in charge contacts various stakeholders in the society to contribute charity and help the poor students to achieve higher education.
2.Title: “Vehicle Free Day”
2.Objectives:To reduce air pollution and make a safer and green environment.
3.Context:Faculty and students were personally counselled to give up their vehicles on fourth Saturday of every month.
4.Practice: The institution is committed to provide safe and green environment in its campus. In its endeavour it has adopted to observe fourth Saturday of every month as “Vehicle Free Day”.
5.Evidence of Success: Every fourth Saturday all the students and faculty give up their vehicles and adopt walking and cycling.
6.Problems Encountered: In the initial stage some of the faculty members felt hard to adopt to this practice.