Students Exchange Programme By Dept. of Statistics.

Students Exchange Programme By Dept. of  Statistics.

Students of statistics department of Anjuman Arts Sci &Com College attended “students exchange programme (linkage)” on 29/9/2018  Prof ( Smt.) S C Kalmath conducted the lecture on stratified random sampling.


“Job Placement & Recruitment Drive”

“Job Placement & Recruitment Drive”

“Hinduja Global Solution” has conducted Job Placement and Recruitment Drive in Our College on 17th Oct 2018. For the final year students. Totally 27 students were attended and four of them selected. List of the selected students.

  1. Miss Tasmiya Mulla
  2. Mr.Sadiq Ahemad Mulla
  3. Mr. Ayub  Inamdar
  4. Mr. Haji Mastan Makandar
  5. Mr.Nadeem Nadaf

Dept. Stat Visit to Dist. Statistical Office

Dept. Stat Visit to Dist. Statistical Office

Department of statistics of our College  conducted visit to District statistical Office on 5/10/2018 for B.Sc I sem students to study the methods of data collection   DSO  S. B. Kulkarni Vijayapur address the students and staff of DSO give the information about data collection in various fields.


Certificate Course By Ladies Forum

Certificate Course By Ladies Forum

Certificate Course on “Dress Designing”was conducted  by Ladies Forum of AnjumanArts, Science, Commerce College and PG Studies in English, from 25/8/2018 to 25/9/2018 under the chairmanship of Prof. S.M. Hanchinal and tuter Smt. Saira Awati. Twenty five students benefited from this course.

Anti-Harassment Cell


Anti Harassment Cell for women employees of Anjuman Degree College was organized Guest Lecture on Anti Harassment Laws for women at work places on 25th  Sept 2018 at 11 a m . Prof. Teena Kade choor Anjuman Law College was the  Guest Speaker and all the ladies staff and students of V sem were presented in the function.


Dept. of Statistics

Dept. of Statistics

Department of statistics organized hands on training programme by computers on 25th Sept 2018 at 3pm to 5 pm. Dr. Shahnawaz, department of community medicine, Shri B. M.Patil medical college,Vijayapur was the resource person for the programme.  HOD Smt. S. M. Hanchinal and 30 students of statistics department were present in the training programme.

Special Lecture Dept. of English

Special Lecture Dept. of English

Department of English UG/PG organized s Special Lecture on “A Special lecture on T.S.Eliot as a Modernist” by Prof.Aliya Mulla, Asst. Professor Govt First Grade College Vijayapur was the chief Guest.

Guest Lecture Dept. of Statistics

Guest Lecture Dept. of Statistics

Guest lecture on “simple random sampling” was organised by the dept. of statistics  on 20th Sept 2018  Prof (Smt.) S. C. Kalmath  Head, dept of statistics, KCP Science College Vijayapur was the guest speaker for the function.

NSS Blood Grouping Camp

NSS Blood Grouping Camp

Blood grouping camp was organised by the NSS Units under the purview of RRC on 19th September 2018. NSS Programme Officers Prof MAPeeran and Dr.(Smt) Ruqqia,300 NSS Volunteers and students along with the Principal and other staff members participated in the event.