The NSS units of Anjuman Degree College celebrated National Youth Day-the 156th Birth Anniversary of Swa mi Vivekananda on 12th January 2019. Shri.Narayan.Babanagar (Recipient of Best Teacher National Award from CNR Rao Foundation) Govt Jr. College for Boys Vijayapur was the Chief Guest. He opined that the youths should explore their talents and channelise their energies towards building a strong and developed nation with due regards to its rich culture and traditions. Prof.A.A.Nasar Administrator of ADC advised the volunteers to dedicate themselves towards building a better tomorrow. NSS Program Officers, Prof.M.A Peeran and Dr(Smt) Ruqqia, NSS Leaders Km.Abusami.Nagdekar, Kumari Shehnaz Sayyed and other volunteers actively participated.