NSS Special Camp Report for the year 2017-2018
A joint Special Camp of NSS Unit-I/Unit-II was organised at Ainapur (Mahal) from 16th December 2017 to 22nd December 2017. The theme for the camp was “Youth for Science and Scientific Attitude”. The camp was inaugurated by Shri.Hashimpeer Walikar and Shri.P.S.Talakeri, Head Master GOVT H.P.S. Ainapur. Nodal Officer-Prof Shri. H.M.Sajjade enouraged the volunteers to actively participate in the activities and work for the betterment of the community and develop their overall personality. Principal Prof. (Smt) S.G.Mahaldar presided over the function. Hundred volunteers participated in the camp actively.
Daily Activities:
- Yoga
- Flag Hoisting
- Physical Exercise
- Breakfast
- Shramadaan
- Lunch
- Volunteer Discussion
- Guest lectures
- Cultural Programme
Shramadaan- volunteers cleaned the historical monuments of Ainapur, cleaned the school campus, and renovated the wall of Ainapur Masjid.
Information related to Rain Water Harvesting was also delivered by Prof.P.Shaikhshavali.
On 19th, an ‘Anti-Tobacco Awareness Rally’ was organised in collaboration with an NGO Citizens Forum Vijayapur. The same day a Medical Camp was also organised in which doctors from Yashodha Hospital rendered their services and free medicines were distributed by Deepak Medical Stores-Vijayapur.
On 20th December 2017, a Fire-Fighter show was organised in which District Officers of the Fire Department-Vijayapur explained the causes and preventive measures of fire. Large number of villagers and staff and students witnessed the demonstration.
Information on Self-Employment Skills was given by the Director Shri. R.T. Uttarkar of RUDSET-Vijayapur on 21st December 2017.
The Special Camp successfully concluded on 22nd December 2017. Shri.Dilawr. Kazi Vice-President of JDS gave the Valedictory address.